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Fear of change Vs Fear of staying the same

Fear of change Vs Fear of staying the same

Why do we fear change?

We fear change because it means that outcomes are unknown. Our brains are designed to find peace in knowing. When we don’t know what will happen, we make up scenarios and, in turn, create worry.

Humans find it hard to move on when something known comes to an end. The fear of failure also comes into play to create a fear of change. If we don’t know how something will turn out, we may rather not try because the outcome could be bad.

Trying something new becomes a risk.

Where does the fear of change come from?

The fear of change can stem from childhood experiences, familial views, personal outlooks, current conditions, and even just the way people are programmed.

For example, if someone grows up in a household that takes a negative worldview and is filled with cynicism, this could breed fear and anxiety over trying something new. This is especially common if your parents have dealt with trauma, abuse or poverty. The cycle will continue only if YOU decide to break it.

Lastly, everyone experiences their own level of fear of change. That’s why comfort zones exist. You’re not alone in these feelings surrounding change. Science has shown us that uncertainty feels similar to failure in our brains.

How can we overcome this feeling?

Whether you’re moving to a new city, embarking on a different career path, or entering a new phase of your life, changes, even good ones, can be nerve-wracking. While some degree of nervousness is to be expected, letting your anxiety take control makes it hard to move forward or step outside of your comfort zone.

Here are some ways I’m going to go about change this year

  1. Try and think about the positives (What if it doesn’t flop?)

  2. Trust me, the torment of not doing ‘The Thing’ is far worse than not doing it at all.

  3. Let go of being a control freak (It may flop, but at least you tried. Oh well we move)

  4. Get good friends that speak to your potential and not your current situation

  5. Remember, we are not here forever

I talk from personal experience. Was it easy at 23 to pack up and leave the UK and live in Australia? No. I had no friends, I didn’t know anyone out there prior to my arrival. Am I glad I did it? Yes! Best years of my life and met some incredible people on my travels.

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I nearly died in Thailand. Twice.

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