Hey Guys!

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Being in your 30s - The Great Reality

Being in your 30s - The Great Reality

Goal setting when your young seems like light work compared to your mid 20s and 30s. In your teenage years the goals are audacious; I want my first home by 23, I want 3 children by 25, I’ll be married by 20, I’ll have a white range rover, a rocket, the whole mile.

When we hit a certain age and realise you don’t have any of the above, not even close, it can all seem a bit overwhelming and it’s easy to falling into the pattern of existing. This short blog will hopefully inspire you to dream again, and encourage you that today is a brand new day.

Okay, so you are 30, You are wiser, mature, have a little bit more money, you have a few good friends around you that support and encourage you.

You still have dreams to come into fruition. Steven Bartlett said on one of his podcasts that what’s worse not daring to dream at 30 for the fear of failure or getting to 90 and looking back at that one thing you should have just went for.

Get a note pad and pen and start writing down those goals you want to achieve. you are never too young or old to dream. Once you have written them down, let them sink in. Then think about what you could be doing now to make these goals happen.

The Reality

  1. You begin to realize nothing is more important than your health (Mental and physical).

  2. You realize that that every experience has made you the person you are and you are comfortable with not having any regrets.

  3. You have more money in your 30s which means Mo money, Mo problems, i.e. Bills, financial dependants lol

  4. You learn to pick and choose your battles when it comes to romantic, friendships, relationships. Some battles are just not worth rocking the boat for, unless you really don’t give a damn.

  5. You have less tolerance for rubbish i.e. People that don’t serve any purpose in your life. Bad energy say far away. People that have nothing positive to say about anyone or anything, run a mile!!

  6. You realise that you are responsible for your own success. No one is stopping you from being great but you. Blaming other people for your failings will just make you sad and bitter.

  7. Success comes with loneliness. The higher you climb the ladder of success, you realise how lonely it is at the top. You begin to see who is real and who is not.

  8. Birthday Planning is long. You can’t be asked.

  9. You care about the quality of your friendships, rather than the quantity.

  10. You’re okay with some people don’t know how to be good friends.

Okay, so things in your life have not gone according to plan. Remember you are never too old to start again.

One life we afi live bredrin!

Your dreams matter!

go for them. x

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